Heatherside Advent 2024
..that means Christmas is coming!
Heatherside Celebrates Advent 2024
Over the years since that first Christmas much has been imagined about the main characters with lots of emphasis on the 'kings' - how many were there, where were they from?
These two videos focus on the shepherds: the first a young lad amazed by all he saw, the second imagining how it would have felt to sleep through the whole experience and hear about it afterwards from the others.....
How do you think you would have reacted?
How do you react today to the story of that birth?
Can you believe it? Don't miss out!
A Shepherd’s Prayer for Baby Jesus
Dear Lord,
I do not understand.
That night I saw the sky and heard the angel’s song—but I have so far to come in my faith. When I entered the cave and saw You in your mother’s arms, I saw the miracle of new life. It was an amazement to see a newborn child among the barnyard animals.
How could I know that those dark, sleepy eyes had looked down the corridors of history? How could I imagine that those tiny hands had flung a million seashells into the ocean’s depth? How could I understand that those little ears, soothed by quiet animal sounds, had heard the morning stars sing together? And how could my simple, untaught mind comprehend that in those soft coos was the wisdom of eternity?
I know about a God whose terrible power flashes lightening across the summer sky. But how great the mystery of a God who would choose to contain that power in a tiny infant! Help me understand the meaning of Your journey from a distant heaven to that dark cave.
Give me insight into One who would choose to leave magnificence to be born into poverty. Give me spiritual eyes to recognize true power and greatness. Give me hands that reach out for what is good in your sight. Give me ears to hear what is of value to Your kingdom. Give me a mind that seeks Your wisdom. Most of all, give me the loving, servant heart that brought You to me on that first Christmas.
Nancy Shirah