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A plethora of new carols over the years can't entirely replace the much loved traditional ones!

But nothing changes the message that the Saviour was born that day.

The symbol of the fish - the stylised drawing  with no letters - was like a secret code for the early Christians and has been found in catacombs (underground caves were they found safety when they were being persecuted for their faith).

It was a symbol to others who knew the code that other believers - made 'fishers of men' by their faith - were near.

Is there anything similar today? How do we show our faith?

Do you think the pre-schoolers celebrating Christmas today will sing this song?

Lord Jesus,

As we draw nearer to the day when we celebrate your birth, help us to be ready to tell others why you are so important to us.


Help us to enjoy celebrating your birth.

help us to share our joy with our friends and families.


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