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Advent is about waiting, having patience, expecting something good to come..... but it can be frustrating, can't it?   We don't like waiting....

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If you get bored waiting for Christmas, you could make yourself a kindness calendar and do one kind act every day - and keep a record of all the good things you do for people from now until Christmas Day.

Here are some examples:

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More than two thousand years ago Jesus Christ came to this earth. He was born of Mary, a virgin;

He lived a sinless life;

He died on the cross for our sins;

He came forth from the tomb in victory;

He ascended up into heaven from whence He had come.


On the night before He went to the cross, Jesus said these words: "I WILL COME ___" (John 14:3).

He came ONCE, but He promised to come AGAIN.

He came ONCE, but He promised to come A SECOND TIME.

The Bible clearly teaches that there are TWO COMINGS of Christ.


The FIRST COMING is history; it has already happened.

The SECOND COMING is future; it has not yet happened.

Today we are living IN BETWEEN two great events: the two comings of the Lord Jesus Christ.


During Advent we look forward to the celebration of the birth of Jesus as a baby at Christmas and we anticipate His coming a second time - this time as King and Judge


and, also, He comes to each of us individually and be with us now if we ask Him.


Worth waiting for!!

God of hope

be with us in our Advent journey

to the stable and beyond,

be with us in our meeting

and in our travelling together,

be with us in our worship

and our praying together,

be with us in our Advent journey

to the stable and beyond,

our God of hope.


God of hope, who brought love into this world,

be the love that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought peace into this world,

be the peace that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought joy into this world,

be the joy that dwells between us.

God of hope, the rock we stand upon,

be the centre, the focus of our lives

always, and particularly this Advent time.



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